Proxy Friendly Operators
Proxy-friendly Operators should inspect their environment for the
standard proxy variables (HTTPS_PROXY
, and NO_PROXY
and pass the values to Operands.
Operator-lib provides a helper function proxy.ReadProxyVarsFromEnv
that does this inspection, all you need to do is append the
results to the Operand environments.
Using the memcached tutorial as an example, add the following to the
Reconcile loop in controllers/memcached_controller.go
import (
for i, container := range dep.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers {
dep.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[i].Env = append(container.Env, proxy.ReadProxyVarsFromEnv()...)
You can set the environment variable on the Operator deployment. Using the memcached tutorial, edit config/manager/manager.yaml:
- args:
- --leader-elect
- --leader-election-id=go-proxy-demo
image: controller:latest
name: manager
- name: "HTTP_PROXY"
value: "http_proxy_test"
Last modified November 9, 2021: add import to go proxy docs (#5279) (45915b24)